Why a Booktrail?
Sick of the city? Want to visit an island?
Sick of the city? Want to visit an island?
With a long list of activities and events to attend, cousin Thomas paints a picture of city life that makes Jessie’s world seem a little dull in comparison. When her mother suggests they invite Thomas to visit their island, Jessie wonders glumly what she could possibly write in her letter that would sound as exciting as zoos, planetariums or video arcades.
So, what is there to do on an island?
As Jessie looks out over her island home, she sees a world of endless variety, from killer whales in the strait and bald eagles soaring overhead to anemones in tide pools and tiny hermit crabs on the shore. She thinks of countless days spent exploring, fishing, swimming and canoeing.
She writes a letter to Thomas in which she says
“Come to my island and I’ll show you”
Destination : British Columbia Author/Guide: Sheryl McFarlane
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