Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Surrey, London

The Silent Ones

The Silent Ones

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: The one crime that Church, State and Family thought they could hide in their own best interests

  • ISBN: 978-0349000398
  • Genre: Fiction, Mystery

What you need to know before your trail

A  man is in the dock at the Old Bailey. He is charged with grave offences against a young boy named Harry Brandwell who, it seems, is both a victim and a liar. But he’s the only link to these others who’ve chosen silence over their right to justice.

Robert Sambourne, a journalist, has been investigating  this man’s background. And he’s a man with a troubled past, always on the move, from Boston in the USA to Freetown in Sierra Leone, finally running from a London police station rather than explain himself.

Meanwhile Harry Brandwell – abused, abandoned and betrayed – has decided to take matters into his own hands.

Travel Guide

Surrey and London

Given the subject matter in the book, there is no travel guide. The places on the map are there to show the history of Surrey and London and have no relations to the book whatsoever. Instead, this is a  nice look at those places to redress the balance.


Waverley Abbey

From the website: “Waverley Abbey in Surrey was the very first monastery founded in Britain by the reforming Cistercian religious order. A small group of monks from France settled in this quiet spot by the River Wey in 1128, and Waverley soon became the springboard for Cistercian settlement in southern England. The impressive remains include the fine 13th century vaulted refectory or dining hall for the lay brothers, the Cistercians’ labour force.”

Newark Augustinian Priory

From the website: “Newark Priory was one of the monasteries that was dissolved during the reign of King Henry VIII.

Today Newark Priory is listed as a Grade 1 Ancient Monument. It is located upon private land but can be viewed whilst walking along the river Wey between Pyrford and Ripley”


London street names and places are only referred to in passing and most of the London part of the story takes place in the Old Bailey

The other places such as Freetown and Boston are only mentioned in passing.


Booktrail Boarding Pass:  The Silent Ones

Destination : Surrey, London  Author/Guide: William Brodrick  Departure Time: 2000s

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