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Literary Locations of Christmas novels

  • Submitted: 23rd December 2019

Authors who set their books at Christmas Time.

This is the time of year where many people love to read books with Christmas themes and in snowy, cosy settings. Where are these places? Where would you love to go this Christmas via books?

Would you prefer to visit the cutest homely villages? What about a nice hotel break? An island getaway perhaps?

Literary Locations of Christmas novels

Literary Locations of Christmas novels


UK – England – Honeybourne

BookTrail : Christmas at the Little Village Bakery

The fictional village of Honeybourne has been created by author Tilly Tennant and this is a wonderful place to spend Christmas. There’s  bakery for one. There’s a hint of romance, a cross-cultural relationship and Christmas celebrations with all the trimmings.


USA – Nantucket

BookTrail: A Nantucket Christmas

“Holidays on Nantucket Island are nothing short of enchanting, from decorations on the Brant Point lighthouse to the yearly Christmas Stroll, there is much to make the winter months magical.” This is such a magical setting as it’s a real place so you can go and recreate this booktrail. There’s snow, gorgeous scenery and family squabbles too and on an island, there’s less chance to escape from it all…

Literary Locations of Christmas novels

Scotland – A Town called Christmas!

BookTrail: A Town Called Christmas

Could there be a more perfect setting for a novel to read at Christmas? It’s set in a cosy hotel on  a fictional Scottish island and there’s plenty to enjoy. Romance, love, hope and emotional times. There’s also heartache and regret to mix things up too.

Leaving islands and villages behind, what about a trip skiing in Aspen?


USA – Aspen, Colorado

BookTrail: A Wedding in December

Not only do you get to visit snowy, Narnia-like Aspen in this novel and go skiing but you get to attend a wedding and it’s all very magical and fabulous! You get to stay in the (sadly fictional Snowball Lodge) but it’s all wonderfully realistic.

“There are views of the forest and mountains, and outdoor hot tubs – it’s going to be the perfect place to spend Christmas.”

Literary Locations of Christmas novels

France – Chamonix

BookTrail: Christmas at Chamonix

What about another chance to spend a wonderful Christmas in the snow? Well, Chamonix is the place to go and spend a very memorable time. It’s one of the most popular spots in France to go skiing and is right where Mount Blanc is located, perhaps one of the most famous mountains in the world. Just imagine the fresh mountain air, the skiing, the apres-ski and wooden chalets….


Wherever you are spending Christmas and who ever you are spending it with, have a merry, merry Christmas and a lovely literary holiday!

Susan x


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