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Deity – Six Stories set in the Cairngorms

  • Submitted: 22nd January 2021

Deity by Matt Wesolowski

A mystery and a death of a superstar – where there are six ‘witnesses’ but no one knows the truth. This is the kind of story, told in the form of a podcast which Matt W has made his own. The Six Stories captures our love of podcasts, different POVs central overriding mystery and six stories… Six stories where you have to decide which one you believe.

BookTrail Travel to the locations in Deity

Six Stories set in the Cairngorms

Setting: the remote forest of the Cairngorms national park

BookTrail Travel to the locations in Deity




The Six stories series is a winner in my book. The central mystery of each ‘episode’ draws you in and you get so involved and immersed in what is going on, who you should believe, that you soon lose all sense of self.

This episode of Six Stories reads a little different from the other ones. Where the other ones have cantered on the horror angle, this felt like a dark, suspenseful and dare I say it, timely case. There were horror aspects to it however. There is something in the woods where the main character lived, in a remote forest getaway. And we all know what kind of forests Matt W likes to create in his stories. No teddy bears here!

Six Stories set in the Cairngorms

BookTrail Travel to the locations in Deity

The central theme was sadly timely as it follows the death of a mega superstar – the Justin Bieber of his day. Someone feted so much and put on a godly pedestal by fans that he seems untouchable. Then thigs go wrong. He is accused of the unspeakable, he lives as a recluse, his house burns down and his charred body is found in the remains…..

I felt uncomfortable reading this as it reminded me of the documentary about Michael Jackson’s accusers. Where we seem to value and wonder at celebrity so much, that we never question what is acceptable and what isn’t. Where parents as well as their children become so caught up with the fame game that all sense goes out of the window. Money talks but fame and celebrity seems to drown all of that out.

This episode of Six stories was particularly clever as it brought a real and uncomfortable scenario alive via the brilliant podcast series that Matt has made his own. The  perfect vehicle for showcasing what the media shows us, what we believe and then what turns out to be true.

Deity Matt Wesolowski

This novel made me think about celebrity and why we favour celebrities so much, what that means and what goes on behind the scenes. We hear from the superstar himself, Zach Crystal, his staff, family and fans. I was beliving one thing one minute and something else entirely the next. The truth was another surprise itself and raised even more questions.

This novel makes you look at things differently and makes you think. Matt W has delivered another thrilling story with a new edge to it. This podcast vehicle is cleverly done and I am excited to see where he takes it next.

This has been Susan The BookTrailer with another book review for Six Stories series.

BookTrail Travel to the locations in Deity



Postcard details:  Access The BookTrail’s Map of Locations and travel guide here

More books set in Scottish Highlands here

Novels set in woods and forests


BookTrail Boarding Pass: Deity

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