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The Housekeepers set in London

  • Submitted: 26th June 2023

When is a debut not a debut? When it’s an accomplished and simply brilliant novel like this one. A mansion house and a plethora of servants bent on revenge.

 BookTrail Travel to The Housekeepers

The Housekeepers set in London


Boarding Pass Information:  England

Author guide: Alex Hays

Genre: historical fiction, suspense

Food and drink to accompany: whatever the servants can get you given how busy they are ….

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 BookTrail Travel to The Housekeepers

This novel is set in a grand hotel in London’s Park Lane. It’s June 1905 so already you can sense the atmosphere and see the glitz of the moment. Miss de Vries, from a moneyed family, is holding a party. This is her chance to find a husband as well as launch herself into society.

It’s also going to be a nught to remember for other reasons. Someone is out for revenge…

I mean, how could you resist such a plot? I got a thrill down my neck that the housekeepers were going to be the ones who are out for revenge. Mrs King is the former housekeeper who was dismissed a few weeks ago and oh my….she wants revenge and then some! She plans to enter the house when everyone is at this big party and steal the treasures within. Nothing can go wrong, can it? The plan is foolproof isn’t it?

The Housekeepers set in London

 BookTrail Travel to The Housekeepers

Never have I been excited to see a bunch of criminals try their best to steal. Is it wrong that I was rooting for them from the start. That’s the effect Alex Hays has one me dear reader! He’s turned my brain and made me root for the wrongdoers. I was on tenterhooks the whole time! I was dying for the party to start,. If this had been a real party, I would have had to  hide behind the preverbial plant and stry to find out what was going on. Alex Hay puts you right there and boy is it tense and stressful!

This is a great read, very atmospheric and a whole lot of fun. How did I feel for the Housekeepers by the end? Did they succeed? Well, that would be telling. Mrs Bone – now there is someone I would  not like to get on the wrong side of. Jane 1 and Jane 2 – wonderful characters too and such fun names!

The cast of characters was one of the best I have read about in a while. From the upper classes to the lower ones, I was put slap bang in the middle of questions of class, money and privilege.There’s a lot of meat on this dish (served on a silver platter of course)

The novel starts with a bang and you do have to keep in mind a few names and ‘clues’ which will become clearer later.

The Housekeeper Heist as I kept calling it should really be on the TV. Just for the heist sequences alone. Downton Abbey gone rogue! ha.

 BookTrail Travel to The Housekeepers

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BookTrail Boarding Pass: The Housekeepers


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