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The Group set in Madrid

  • Submitted: 30th September 2024

The Group set in Madrid

A very arty thriller this one. Hanna gets a job in the stunning Prado museum in Madrid. There, she meets a group of Swedes and desperately wants to be part of their group.

Careful what you wish for!

Map of locations in The Group

The Group set in Madrid


Destination : Madrid

Author guide: Sigge Eklund

Genre: thriller

Food and drink to accompany: tapas and plenty of sangria!




A novel to transport you to Madrid


Map of locations in The Group

This book is like a painting in itself. A novel that looks at people and tries to see inside them, what makes them tick and what their true colours are.

The Swedes in this group want for nothing. They are rich kids, they work hard but also play hard. They want for nothing and think that the world owes them a favour. Hanna sees them as something to aspire too. Like the language in the book, you get the sense that it’s very attractive for her, sensual almost and utterly beguiling. It felt a bit Mr Ripley at times as she covets what they have or what she thinks they have.

The clash of the Swedes and Hanna comes across loud and clear in many different ways. Even their tans seems cleaner and brighter. But it’s when you dig down and scratch off the gold surface, what really lies beneath?

There’s multilayers to this novel and with its background in the art arena, there’s a whole other level on which you could read this.  The clues to the secrets come drip drip dripping into the main plot rather than in flashbacks which I really liked. Hanna remains a mystery throughout and whilst I questioned some of her motives, she and the others did get me thinking! That I have led a rather sheltered life compared to any of these characters for one! It was tough to be inside their heads for any length of time but worryingly fascinating!

Madrid, the art scene and a group of mixed up and ****** up characters. Bring on the summer!

Map of locations in The Group


Postcard details:  Access The BookTrail’s Map of Locations and travel guide here

More books set in Madrid


BookTrail Boarding Pass:  The Group

Twitter:   @sigge_eklund 

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