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In the footsteps of the Last Princess – Ellen Alpsten

  • Submitted: 16th October 2024

The Last Princess

Author Ellen Alpsten is here to introduce a very special person to readers of historical fiction….

the last princess ellen alpsten


The fabulous fate of Gytha Godwinson, my gorgeous new girl, and the heroine of my novel ‘The Last Princess’ allowed for easy geographical research. I loved visiting its locations in England, which made her come alive. The novel begins set in the splendour of Bosham in rural Sussex, in late 1065. To date, Bosham chapel is unchanged from when Gytha worshipped here as the docile daughter of the Earl of Wessex. He was King Edward the Confessor’s right-hand man, and later-on King Harold II Godwinson.

Book map of The Last Princess

GythaHauberkFirehair (c) Pinterest

GythaHauberkFirehair (c) Pinterest

Bosham Manor, however, has long since disappeared. The Anglo-Saxons treaded lightly on the surface of this earth. They built in earth, wattle, and daub, and lived in harmony with nature and its seasons. Call it medieval mindfulness. But Bosham Manor survives even though, as its unusual two-storey architecture is the only building depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry. But ‘The Last Princess’ is more than just a ’female re-telling’ of the events of 1066. The planned trilogy spans a huge arch all across Europe of the High Middle Ages.

Book map of The Last Princess

The novel’s themes of loss, displacement and betrayal are as ‘Zeitgeist’ as are Gytha’s quest for love, friendship and belonging. That’s why Gytha speaks with a strong and modern voice – as modern as the then bustling town of Lundenwic, a Roman settlement on the Thames. The former Londinium is about to eclipse nowadays Winchester as capital of the kingdom. Just describing Gytha’s journey there, rattling along the old ‘Stone Street’ together with the women of her family, took me five days of research.

Book map of The Last Princess

Lundenwic map

Lundenwic map

What a fascinating place London was and is: I am forever infatuated with its liveliness and lust for life. The scene when Gytha admires the new West Minster, which is built in stone according to Norman architecture, is crucial. This is how things are going to be! In comparison, the Palace in Havering, where she longs and looks out for her first love, is a messy and unruly as the Anglo-Saxon realm itself.

Book map of The Last Princess



Book map of The Last Princess

This is how the research comes to life. It is the rigid frame, inside of which the story surprises, such as a swarm of butterflies. Because not William the Conqueror brought the Godwinsons’ down, but intense sibling rivalry. Families – we all have them! When two opposing armies meet at Stamford Bridge, one Godwinson brother is bound to slay the other. An unforgiveable sin even in a family where betrayal runs generations deep. I loved letting a bard’s silver voice retell the details of this struggle and the heartbreak that ensues: ‘The Last Princess’ is like a Greek tragedy of Anglo-Saxon making.

But Stamford Bridge was like chasing the devil with the Beelzebub.



Book map of The Last Princess

A surprising twist allows Gytha to witness the Battle of Hastings, and its drama as both sides fight for England. Do you know whom Harold II was looking out for when the lethal bolt struck him right into his eye, splitting his skull and piercing his brain? Let me surprise you! That is my duty. A reader gives me their most valuable: their time and attention. The true art and challenge of Historical Fiction fights the determinism of History. If the ending is known, it’s all about storytelling and creating surprising turning points.

Book map of The Last Princess

But these locations are just the beginning of my new trilogy.  If Gytha witnesses the end of an era, she refuses to submit. In a time when women filled fixed roles in society – cupbearer, peace-weaver, and memory-keeper – she writes world history. From the ashes of a cursed kingdom, Gytha lets a new, and very surprising empire arise. Which empire is this? Pst! Spoiler Alert . Let’s just say that in book two of the trilogy, many more fascinating maps and journeys await to be discussed…


All photos are snippets from the web and authors were hard to find!


BookTrail Boarding Pass: The Last Princess

Twitter: @EAlpsten_Author


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