Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
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  • Location: Eden Falls

The Girl in Cell A

The Girl in Cell A

Why a Booktrail?

2025: The world knows her as the girl in cell A

  • ISBN: 978-1399707701
  • Genre: Crime, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Convicted of murder at seventeen, infamous killer and true crime celebrity Orianna Negi has always maintained her innocence.

Orianna has a blind spot over that fateful day: she can’t remember what happened. Forensic psychologist Annie Ledet is tasked with unlocking the truth.

Orianna grew up in Eden Falls, ruled by the insular Wyclerc dynasty and its ruthless patriarch , Amos. As their sessions progress, Annie reaches into Orianna’s past to a shattering realisation…. Scandal. Sex. Power. Race. And murder. Between guilt and innocence lies a fallen Eden.



Travel Guide

Eden Falls

The town of 2000 in the book is fictional but here is a nice description:

“The town hall, blazing white under its summer coat of paint’ Sal Pitman’s ice cream parlour; Olsen’s hardware store; the First National Bank; the fire station; the laundromat. The church with its doubled-spired root and stained glass windows.”

“A row or pickups and semis make a line outside the Wolf and Boar Saloon; the early shift, complete with flag decals on the fenders.”

“How little things have changed.  The layout of the streets, the aspect of the houses and stores, the shambling shapes out in the suffocating heat.”

BookTrail Boarding Pass: The Girl In Cell A

Destination/location: Eden Falls   Author/guide:  Vaseem Khan   Departure Time: 2025

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