Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Devon (fictional Mariscombe)

Love on the Rocks

Love on the Rocks

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: A hotel in Cornwall becomes a hotbed of contention!

  • ISBN: 978-1409147077
  • Genre: Fiction, Romance

What you need to know before your trail

The Rocks Hotel in Mariscombe may not look like the ideal place to stay – it’s not just ramshackle despite being in Corwall, it’s down and out depilated but Lisa and her boyfriend George have a dream to do it up and to host guests in one of the their favourite places on earth.

This dream quickly becomes a nightmare however when the work is harder than they thought and their arch-rival, Bruno Thorne, owner of the Mariscombe Hotel, seems intent on sabotage.

The don’t seem to notice local chambermaid Molly however who is harbouring a secret that will blow the whole village apart. Not just the hotels!

Travel Guide

Mariscombe in Devon is fictional but it evokes the setting of a lovely holiday and quaint seaside resort. The author has set other books in places inspired by Woolacombe and it does seem an ideal fit..

“So Mariscombe with its miles of Golden sand, the diet of chips and ice cream and the occasional crab sandwich had been bliss.”

The upside for George is many things, notably memories from his childhood and flutters of nostalgia when he remembered the time he’e done there with his aunt and uncle. His parents thought it too working class apparently.

Maybe the hotel they’re looking at and maybe the Mariscombe Hotel could be this one.

Now Mariscombe is back on his mind and in the headlines as there’s been an article in the Sunday times which has had an article saying that Mariscombe is coming up in the world and that it’s turning itself into a place where everyone will want to go to with nice hotels and is having a lot in investment as the place that developers go if they can’t afford Sandbanks or Rock

This is going to be one interesting return….

Streetview Maps

A hotel in Mariscombe?

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: Love on the Rocks

Destination: Devon (fictional Mariscombe)  Departure Time: 2000s  

Twitter: @veronica_henry   Web: veronicahenry.co.uk

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