Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
  • Location: Atlantic City, Kuala Lumpur



Why a Booktrail?

2000s: The Ghostman is a master criminal whose heist went wrong in Kuala Lumpur so now he is back and heading to Atlantic City for the heist of a lifetime..

  • ISBN: 978-0552169165
  • Genre: Hitman/Gangster, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

No one really knows the real name of the Ghostman, or who he really is. His name could be ‘Jack; although even this is not certain. However, he keeps reappearing when a job interests him and spends the rest of his time, lying low and disappearing when he needs to.

The time has come to settle some scores – years earlier ‘Jack’ and a master criminal Marcus attempted a major heist in Kuala Lumpur but things didn’t go exactly to plan and people died. Jack and Marcus want payback for things going so badly wrong. So, they organise a heist of another kind – that of a casino in Atlantic City. But when that goes wrong and one of the criminals escapes with the money himself, Marcus demands that the Ghostman track him down.

Events are spiralling out of control and it all started in Kuala Lumpur…

Travel Guide

Atlantic City

The story begins with a detailed heist in Atlantic City that seems to be going to plan until right before the end when things go very wrong indeed and JAck is called upon to help. The flashy lifestyle and ‘Jack Reacher’ style language immediately comes to the fore. There is a lot of ‘advice’ as to how  they se people are planning to rob on a massive scale –
The third way to rob a casino is to  steal the money while it’s in transit

It takes months of planning to take down a casino

The detail in places is astounding – as to how armoured cars work, their weaknesses, how they drive, how the money is packaged etc. Just where the author got this from is frightening when you think about it.

This place is the ideal one for a Ghostman, a kid from Vegas to lose himself in  – he has been in the game since he was 14 so this is his turf and the flashy casinos his adopted home of sorts. He has some standards though – for example he doesn’t do drug deals since his mother died from the stuff. Oh and he has a motto – “If you can’t reach heaven, raise hell.”


Kuala Lumpur

As the story progresses we learn of what went down in Kuala Lumpur and how the heist started there

No self respecting bank would use such a vehicle but in Malaysia,this was the best they could get..

Secret meetings, seedy locations and unforgotten promises to keep.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: Ghostman

Author/Guide: Roger Hobbs   Destination: Atlantic City, Kuala Lumpur   Departure Time: 2000s

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