Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: France, Dordogne, Bordeaux

Late Summer in the Vineyard

Late Summer in the Vineyard

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Who’s up for a Late Summer in the Vineyard?

  • ISBN: 978-1472223722
  • Genre: Humour, Romance

What you need to know before your trail

Bored with life in England, having to look after her ailing father and trying to stay afloat financially herself, Emmy Bridges suddenly is given an escape – in more ways than one as she’s in trouble at work too – to go to France on a wine sales training scheme

Being thrown rather than taken out of her comfort zone may not be to everyone’s taste if you excuse the pun, but Emmy is more than ready for it. She is there for a few months and is going to take every opportunity there is.

Welcome to the vineyards, the winding alleys , the French countryside and the ornate houses on the side of the roads. Take your glass of wine and relax with this read.

Travel Guide

late summer in the vineyardFictional settings they may be but as you will see from the booktrail above, they are very much inspired by the wonderful Dordogne and Bordeaux areas. All of these sites are the ones visited by the author during research for this novel. It’s only fair that as a reader, you should try to visit them all yourself to help the novel soak in to your skin. And to drink the wine of course.

The thrill and summer breeze you would hope for in a French town and vineyard are all here:

Petit Frere (fictional)

“The closer we got to our destination of Petit Frere, the more vineyards there were. Rows and rows of twisted trunks, with large leaves and big bunches of grapes on them. Dotted along the side of the road were big cream and tarracotta-roofed properties, with ornate gates and majestic evergreens in the gardens”

If that doesn’t make you want to get on your bicycle and go for a ride to the vineyards to drink wine, eat cheese and crunch the baguettes then we don’t know what will.


Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

As soon as I started reading this I thought – I’m so like Emmy!  I know nothing about wine at all. But I think I could get quite the taste for it so to speak if I were to meet Madame Beaumont and co and spend time in the little town of Petit Frere.

This is such a sweet novel with birds tweeting in the background, the fragrance of wine in the air and the sound of French baguettes snapping in two. In short, I ate it up as it’s easy to do. Funny French people that I’m sure I’ve met in another form they seemed so realistic!

It’s always a joy to read a Jo Thomas book and this one was no exception. I loved the extra content and the list of places she’d used as a  way of researching the French countryside. I just wish Petit Frere was real but then it is when you read this!

Aah what can I say? This was just lovely in every way -everything you love about France and its great outdoors. And the vineyard setting? Sumptuous and full of flavour. It really is the perfect summer escape and the plot was just a delight although I’m not going to spoil that as you really have to discover it for yourself.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: Late Summer in the Vineyard

Author/ Guide: Jo Thomas  Destination: Dordogne, France  Departure Time: 2000s

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