Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
  • Location: New Zealand

The House of the People 

The House of the People 

Why a Booktrail?

The story of how a Maori house was built

  • ISBN: 978-0859533003
  • Genre: Childrens

What you need to know before your trail

A long time ago a group of Maori people decided they needed a special meeting house.  This is the story of how that marae was built and the special carvings and patterns that were part of the beautiful wood building

Travel Guide

There are lot of places to really find out about the Maori culture both within the New Zealand and on line:

Museum: Okains Bay Maori & Colonial Museum,

Web: New Zealand’s Maori Culture

Museum: Auckland Museum and Maori culture



Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: The House of the People

Author/ Guide: Robert Jahnke    Destination: New Zealand

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