Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Prague

A Year and a Day

A Year and a Day

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Prague is the city where wishes really can come true..

  • ISBN: 978-1405925334
  • Genre: Fiction, Romance

What you need to know before your trail

Megan has the chance to go on a winter escape to Prague with her friend Ollie. It will be a great opportunity to take some pictures for her upcoming photography exhibition.However, there is history getween her and Ollie and she has to keep things platonic as anything more will risk Ollie finding out about her past

Hope meanwhile sees the holiday a real chance to get away with Charlie her new partner, and to get to know him properly. Nevertheless, she can’t fully relax as she keeps thinking of her daughter back home.  who is angry with her. And  it’s all her fault . . .

Sophie on the other hand has always seen the city through rose-coloured spectacles. It’s always been a magical place. This time she can’t stop counting down the moments until her boyfriend Robin joins her. But in historic Prague you can never escape the past

Travel Guide


Oh the joys of a city creating memories, reigniting old ones, the cobbled stones making imprints on your shoes and on your heart. A city that looks and feels as magical as you can imagine. The cover more than captures this stunning city and makes it sparkle even more.

This novel uses the landmarks of the city to showcase its magic and the effect it can have on someone. Each landmark comes into its own and means different things to different people.

The Charles Bridge –  Where Sophie stands and thinks of Robin. The columns of the bridge are silhouetted against the cold sky and it reminds her of happy times. Megan also takes pictures of this bridge in the hope that it will transport people as it does her.

Powder Gate and Wenceslas Square – Hope and Charlie spend time here and it creates memories for them as it means something dear.

Mala Strala Megan thinks this place is magic. It is one of its most historic regions. In the Middle Ages, it was a dominant center of the ethnic German citizens of Prague and the buildings such as the St Nicolas Church showcase the area’s age and beauty

The way the buildings are used to capture the emotions of the characters is magical. . Prague is a city where it’s impossible to get lost it is said as you find your own place”

The Xmas markets

Perhaps the most magical part of the town =- these bring everyone together in a riot of colour, scents, aromas and flavours. Oh to eat the apple strudel which Isabelle creates on the page. I swear I could smell it! The Xmas trees, the silhouette of the buildings against the moonlit sky…

The clock in Old Town Square

We’re told the clock was made in 1410 and the best time to see it is on the hour .

The Zizkov TV Tower

No visit to this city is complete without a view of the crawling babies! Brought back by popular demand apparently . Funny what the characters in the novel make of this!

Streetview Maps

A) Prague - Charles Bridge
B) Prague - Mala Strana - church

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

Oh what a joy of a novel this was. Sad at times – (that opening chapter I had my heart in my mouth!) but full of poignant moments and full of the most conflicting emotions a person can have.

Prague is the star of the show that’s for sure as the landmarks, streets, sights and sounds are lovingly recreated on the page.This is a very visual read where I could clearly see everything as described and more despite never having been. Oh the magic of the Christmas markets and the snippets of history surrounding the Old Clock Tower and Wenceslas Square was just a joy to read. I felt I was wandering and discovering the city as the characters were.

The story does have its fair share of moments where you just have to take time to think about things – your life, your partner and where you are headed. Megan , Sophie and Hope come from three very different backstories and backgrounds but when the threads of their stories are woven together, it’s like the paper threads of those star decorations on the Xmas tree there. And the overall picture shines over the city and illuminates it like magic.

Just remember however some useful advice for your own journey there – the FUNicular is not FUN apparently and despite the fairytale feel of the place there are several special moments which are strictly NFF – Not for Facebook – but rather to spend and experience in the moment. A lesson for us all when you think about it.

There’s so much to discover in this novel that I don’t want to say more – other than to recommend you read it. I’ve not read a book like this in a while that’s made me smile so much and feel so good inside. And I really really really need to go to Prague asap!


Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:  A Year and a Day

Author/Guide: Isabelle Broom Destination: Prague  Departure Time: 2000s

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