Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
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  • Location: Amsterdam, London, Dominican Republic

The Girl Who Wouldn’t Die

The Girl Who Wouldn’t Die

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: A Jigsaw puzzle of a novel taking George McKenzie, the girl who wouldn’t die from Amsterdam to London via several other locations to get your head in a spin!

  • ISBN: 9780008138332
  • Genre: Crime, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Georgina McKenzie works as an aspiring criminologist so when a bomb explodes at the University of Amsterdam, and she is on the scene, she is asked by police to help flush out the killer.
But little does anyone know that the bomb is just a small piece of a much bigger puzzle that looks set to torment the entire city.

And the killer is waiting for Georgina to fill in a very missing piece..

But Georgina is the girl who wouldn’t die…The Girl Who Wouldn’t Die

Travel Guide

An Erasmus student at a university in Amsterdam. The horror of being out of your home town, your home country and being in a situation of terror. The suicide bomber who attacks the university is a frightening event, more so in today’s world.

The world of Erasmus and university life is unique and a place of peace and learning so when a bomber enters, the effects are devastating –

“Where the elegant period face of the old library should have been was now a ragged gaping mouth, belching fire and fumes over the canal”

Helping out the police may seem like a tenacious thing to do, but Georgina is keen to keep digging, keep going when all around her recovers from the horror of what has just happened. When fellow students start to die, she has a unique vantage point, being a student herself, of the crowd and the environment the investigation has to focus on.

From this world of enclosed and insular world of academia, the novel hurtles through other worlds, those of drugs and gangs moving over to Cambridge and London where the streets are gritty and urban and the people there more so.

Set mostly in Amsterdam however, the world of the foreign exchange student,  one studying criminology is the city of vice, drugs and prostitution is a neat premise and the stage is set for a trail of student life unseen anywhere else! The European context, the languages, political and academic intrigue…

Streetview Maps

2) Amsterdam University
The main setting - see inside!
3) Amsterdam: Bethanienstraat and Kloveniersburgwal
Where the elegant period face of the old library should have been

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Twitter: @Marnie_Riches  Facebook: /Marnie-Riches  Web: marnieriches.com

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