Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Bristol, Clogherhead

The Escape

The Escape

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Be prepared for the chase of your life -to save yourself and your child

  • ISBN: 978-0008118075
  • Genre: Psychological, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

When a stranger asks Jo Blackmore for a lift she says yes, then swiftly wishes she hadn’t.

The stranger knows Jo’s name, she knows her husband Max and she’s got a glove belonging to Jo’s two year old daughter Elise.

What begins with a subtle threat swiftly turns into a nightmare as the police, social services and even Jo’s own husband turn against her.

No one believes that Elise is in danger. But Jo knows there’s only one way to keep her child safe – RUN.

Travel Guide

From Bristol to Chester and then to Ireland

This is a chase in every sense of the word. A trail from Bristol and across England via ferries in an escape to Ireland. A woman and her child on the run, but from what and from whom?

From  one city to another, with Jo and her daughter looking over their shoulders every step of the way. They might feel safer in Ireland but are they? they move to Ireland , fleeing from one place to another before finding a remote B and B. But even then the chase is far from over.


You might think that a remote B&B in Drogheda is a nice place to relax, but not for everyone clearly. Jo has history here and a reason for returning to Ireland but her past is about to catch up with her in more ways than one. Ireland is evoked as calm peaceful and green. Remote and sprinkled with communities living in remote areas, lush green fields, farmland and a peaceful harbour with a nice woman in a quiet B&B or so you may think…

The Escape

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

I do enjoy a Cally Taylor novel and this one delivered on more than one front.  A very fast read as I was zipping through the pages to find out what on earth was going on and who was really as they seemed. These kind of people are what Cally does best I think -who do you believe and who is pulling the wool over your eyes?

Was Jo, the mother of the story, mad or bad? Well, she’s not the brightest spark and I reached out to slap some sense into her on more than one occasion. But then i felt sorry for her as she is not well – blimey this book messes with your head.

The pace was quick and choppy from the beginning but it was the story in Ireland that really got me going as events soon spiral out of control. How far would you go to protect yourself and your child when you don’t know who the enemy really is? A mother protecting her child would go to extreme lengths but then the net starts to close in and get tighter. Had I been reading this wrong?

Taylor tastic, yes and no. This is a thriller after all and a psychological thriller at that. Don’t trust anyone of anything. And read this book as it’s a study of totally mixed up and damaged minds. No one you’d like to meet in real life but oh so fascinating on the page.

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  The Escape

Author/Guide: C.L. Taylor  Destination:Bristol,  Clogherhead  Departure Time: 2000s

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