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A Fortune Most Fatal – in Godmersham Park

  • Submitted: 25th March 2025

A Fortune Most Fatal – in Godmersham Park

If you haven’t read Jessica Bull, then you really need to get on that. This writer has written two books in the series so far where we actually meet a certain Jane Austen. Not only do we meet Jane Austen but we really get to know her. What she was like when not writing and rather investigates crimes and mysteries instead!

Map of locations in A Fortune Most Fatal

Fortune Most Fatal - Jessica Bull


Destination : Godmersham Park

Author guide: Jessica Bull 

Genre: historical cosy mystery

Food and drink to accompany: everything on a silver tray!




A novel to transport you to Godmersham Park and the world of the Austens!


Map of locations in A Fortune Most Fatal

A Fortune Most Fatal is the second in the Miss Austen Investigates series and I loved it just as much as the first. What could be more fun than a series where Jane Austen turns detective?

This is the second in the series and honestly, you need to buy this one and get t Miss Austen Investigates  too. I have enjoyed both but this one was especially delightful. Think I understood the character more and got to know her better.  She was quite the woman if this series is anything to go by.

There’s a mystery surrounding her brother’s possible inheritance in this one. Jane wants to find out who might be getting this inheritance instead of him and why. Go on Jane! I thought. A strong woman like this was perhaps not as common back in her day. So it’s a refreshing change to see an iconic woman, au author herself, portrayed in such a way.

The relationship between Jane and the characters who feel she is being too nosy is just a delight to witness. The remarks, the asides, the tongue in cheekiness of it all. Topping it comes the strength and character of who Jane Austen really was. I am THERE for it!

To make things even better, the novel lets you see inside Godmersham Park and honestly I so want to go here in real life! To see the characters wandering from room to room, in the grounds etc is brilliant. A booktrail in real time! It’s a wonderful mix of reality, fiction and a little bit of magic.

Next one please Miss Bull! And I shall ready the hansom cab to transport me to the book shop when it be written!

Map of locations in A Fortune Most Fatal


Postcard details:  Access The BookTrail’s Map of Locations and travel guide here

More books set in Old Houses in England


BookTrail Boarding Pass:  A Fortune Most Fatal

Instagram: @jessicabullnovelist/

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