Travel to locations of Her Last Summer with Emily Freud
Her Last Summer with Emily Freud Travel to locations of Her Last Summer with Emily Freud - Who wants to come to Thailand with Emily…
Authors take us on journeys and invite us to settings and places we might not have experienced before. Seeing a place through an author’s eyes is wonderful – visit a castle or a gothic setting, travel back in time and discover the joys of literary travel.
Travel via book means you can be an armchair traveller or one in real life. Here, the Literary Travel Agency guide take you on a journey fuelled with wanderlust.
Her Last Summer with Emily Freud Travel to locations of Her Last Summer with Emily Freud - Who wants to come to Thailand with Emily…
Author Robert Scragg on location One of the questions I've been asked most since I've been published, is why I've chosen the locations I have…
Travel to The Grand Illusion locations with Syd Moore Novels set in unique times in history with a keen sense of place are very fine…
Susan Smillie and the journey of the Half Bird Sometimes books take you on journeys in more ways than one. The Half Bird is a…
Where in the book? - The Teashop of Elaine Everest novels Have you read the series by Elaine Everest about the girls who worked in…