The Newcastle of L J Ross
Discover Newcastle with Ross and Ryan If you follow in the footsteps of L J Ross and DCI Ryan around Newcastle and Northumberland, you are…
Authors take us on journeys and invite us to settings and places we might not have experienced before. Seeing a place through an author’s eyes is wonderful – visit a castle or a gothic setting, travel back in time and discover the joys of literary travel.
Travel via book means you can be an armchair traveller or one in real life. Here, the Literary Travel Agency guide take you on a journey fuelled with wanderlust.
Discover Newcastle with Ross and Ryan If you follow in the footsteps of L J Ross and DCI Ryan around Newcastle and Northumberland, you are…
Literary settings of The Gifts by Liz Hyder Twelve years ago, I upped sticks from London, where I was born, and moved to the small…
Cornish charms with Vikki Patis Author Vikki Patis loves Cornwall and from the first moment she visited, she wanted to set a book there. Now,…
The Edinburgh of Ian Rankin You can’t go to Edinburgh without seeing the city through the eyes of Ian Rankin and Rebus. You really see…
Cats in Japanese fiction Reading for January in Japan has thrown up some very interesting reading. Last week I covered some Japan Noir – the…