Travel to the setting of Seven with Farzana Doctor
The Story Behind Seven’s Settings Author Farzana Doctor has some interesting stories to tell about her research behind her novel Seven. It's a story of inheritance…
Authors take us on journeys and invite us to settings and places we might not have experienced before. Seeing a place through an author’s eyes is wonderful – visit a castle or a gothic setting, travel back in time and discover the joys of literary travel.
Travel via book means you can be an armchair traveller or one in real life. Here, the Literary Travel Agency guide take you on a journey fuelled with wanderlust.
The Story Behind Seven’s Settings Author Farzana Doctor has some interesting stories to tell about her research behind her novel Seven. It's a story of inheritance…
Visit the Ash Museum with Rebecca Smith Secrets of The Ash Museum with Rebecca Smith -Sometimes settings in books can be so unusual and interesting, you…
Rod Reynolds guide to Literary Locations Rod Reynolds is the author of some fine fiction and gripping thrillers. He has set them across the world…
Discover the Peculiar London of Christopher Fowler Not all detectives have just stepped off the screen from Line of Duty or Spooks. Some of the…
World Kit Lit/WIT Month We've just had Women in Translation Month and this month we're celebrating World Kid Lit. Merging the two together why not…