Scandalous Women locations with Gill Paul
Scandalous Women locations with Gill Paul A wonderfully fact and fiction mix from Gill Paul and a walk around the locations in New York, London…
Authors take us on journeys and invite us to settings and places we might not have experienced before. Seeing a place through an author’s eyes is wonderful – visit a castle or a gothic setting, travel back in time and discover the joys of literary travel.
Travel via book means you can be an armchair traveller or one in real life. Here, the Literary Travel Agency guide take you on a journey fuelled with wanderlust.
Scandalous Women locations with Gill Paul A wonderfully fact and fiction mix from Gill Paul and a walk around the locations in New York, London…
Dead Behind the Eyes - Tours I love a city. Big cities for sure, London, Paris, New York – the perfume trail I call it.…
Berlin with the Circus of Mirrors Julie Owen Moylan takes us to Berlin today..... to a Circus of Mirrors no less............ Map of locations in…
In the Footsteps of Legends In the Footsteps of Legends - Ana Sampson and Chris Riddell . Hold a legend to the light and peer…
Whispers of the Dead - Lin Anderson A wonderful author on TheBookTrail today - THE QUEEN OF SCOTTISH CRIME FICTION! She's a cofounder of Bloody…