Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature


Authors take us on journeys and invite us to settings and places we might not have experienced before. Seeing a place through an author’s eyes is wonderful – visit a castle or a gothic setting, travel back in time and discover the joys of literary travel.

Travel via book means you can be an armchair traveller or one in real life. Here, the Literary Travel Agency guide take you on a journey fuelled with wanderlust.

Travel to The Forgotten Village, Tyneham with Lorna Cook

  • Submitted: 4th August 2019

Travel to the real life village of mystery -Tyneham with Lorna Cook Let's go off on a journey to wartime coastal Dorset.....The Forgotten Village is…

Confessions of a Literary Traveller – Anna Sherman

  • Submitted: 2nd August 2019

CONFESSIONS OF A LITERARY TRAVELER Anna Sherma, author of The Bells of Tokyo has a few confessions to get off her chest. So where better…

Take the Holiday to France with T M Logan

  • Submitted: 26th July 2019

Take the Holiday to the South of France with T M Logan We're about to head to France - the south of France with the…

Confessions of a Literary Traveller – Victoria Hislop

  • Submitted: 23rd July 2019

Confessions of a Literary Traveller - Victoria Hislop What do writers get up to when they're not writing. What does Victoria miss most when on…

Walking a Tightrope near Manchester with Marnie Riches

  • Submitted: 14th July 2019

Walking a Tightrope in Bev Saunders’ Cheshire Marnie Riches is taking us on a tightrope tour of Hale and Altrincham. Care to join in? Walking a Tightrope near…

Featured Book

Love, Sex & Frankenstein

1816: The dark summer that birthed a monster . . .

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