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#AuthorsonLocation – Tracker’s Canyon, BC – Canada

  • Submitted: 29th June 2017

Canada is 150 years old this week – July 1st is the National Day and to celebrate it, wether you’re Canadian or not, it’s the perfect time to meet some Canadian authors you might not have come across before with a fascinating insight into their country. What makes it tick, what being Canadian really means and the array of Canadian reads you may be missing out on:

Here’s Pam Withers, author of Tracker’s Canyon out in July –

Booktrail Tracker’s Canyon here

Box Canyon (c) BC Canyonneers.com

Box Canyon (c) BC Canyonneers.com


Canada as a setting…

I set my books in the great outdoors, especially in Western Canada, because they are all about wilderness survival and adventure.

Visiting your own literary locations?

I usually visit the places to get a more intimate feel and good description of detail, as well as ideas for adventure in the plot.

The BC Wilderness as a setting…

It opens up possibilities for getting lost, challenging one’s courage and physical endurance, and encountering wild animals, weather, and natural disasters.


BC map Tracker's Canyon

Researching your location?

Maps, going there, and interviews with experts who have participated in adventure sports there.

Fictional or real? a mixture of the two?

Yes, Absolutely. That’s what makes fiction fun! Tracker’s Canyon is set between Squamish and Lillooet (real towns) in a fictional canyon.

Where would you  really like to visit in your location?

Swallow Canyon (even though it’s fictional) Wild spaces spark the outdoor-lover’s imagination.  Go on the Tracker’s Journey yourself by starting here : bccanyoneers.com/box-canyon-creek

POSTCARD-PITCHPostcard Pitch –

Experience stunning waterfalls, sheer rock faces, forest trails rich with wildlife, flowering meadows, eagles soaring overhead, deer, cougars, and bears!


With many many thanks to Pam for taking time out of trekking and tracking bears to chat booktrailing.

Booktrail Boarding Pass:   Tracker’s Canyon

Twitter: @pamwithers  Facebook:    /Pam-Withers-  Web: pamwithers.com/pw/

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