#Authorsonlocation – Washington DC – Jonathan Freedland
July 4th – American Independence Day – so a visit to Washington DC is definitely on the cards. Meeting a man who has had behind the scenes access in his working life is going to have some effect in his novels. Brilliantly so…
Hi Jonathan/Sam….A pleasure to meet you and chat today. And what a day to do it! A few questions if I may….and then maybe a tour on one of the DC trolly buses?
How much of your own experience as a journalist covering US elections has gone into your novel?
A huge amount. I think my background as a Washington Correspondent, and the stint I spent as a young reporter on the Washington Post, has enabled me to write stories set in the US capital and to do so in a way that, I hope, is convincing. I feel I know that city: the way it works, the way people look and speak. Readers tell me that it feels “authentic” – and that’s crucial. I also hope I have a feel for America beyond Washington, having lived in and travelled extensively across the country. All of that helps, I think.

(c) Philippa-Gedge-2015
The locations…
I think I’ve been to all of them at one time or other – but I’ve not yet been to Namibia.I have visited the White House, though it was before the current presidency.
The location of power
Power is always compelling – and the White House remains the most powerful office in the world. It means the stakes are automatically high – which is ideal for a thriller.
House of Cards and Homeland?
I really enjoyed the first three series of Homeland: Carrie is a great character. I lost interest once Brody was gone, I must confess. As for House of Cards, I watched the first series but am yet to catch up with the rest.
If you could visit anywhere in the world ..
I don’t think I’d enjoy it, but I’d be fascinated to see the North Korea tourists are not allowed to see.
If you could back to a time in history and be a fly on the wall….
Philadelphia, 1787. I think it’d be extraordinary to be a witness to the convention that wrote the US Constitution and, in effect, founded the country.

SIgning of the Constitution (c) Architect of the Constitution https://www.aoc.gov
With many thanks to ‘Sam Bourne’ for giving us a very secretive tour into his books and his mind. Very apt for 4th July too set in Washington DC.
BookTrail Boarding Pass: To Kill the President
Twitter: @Freedland Web: jonathanfreedland.com