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Literary Locations of Julia Chapman

  • Submitted: 12th January 2021

From France to Yorkshire

Julia Stagg writes the series of novels about that charming little French village in the Pyrenees – Fogas. Have you been? You really should go if not.

Closer to where the author lives, is the village of Brumfield, a fictional place in Yorkshire. Two series of novels where location is key. So how do you know it’s Yorkshire if it’s a fictional setting? By the hand of a clever author, that’s how.

Literary Locations of Julia Chapman

“The Dales crept up on me. Just as animals can be imprinted by humans if they spend too long with them, so I became imprinted with this amazing part of the world. ”

Booktrail the novels of Julia Chapman set in Bruncliffe, Yorkshire

Julia Chapman (c)thebooktrail

The first novel in the series (c)thebooktrail


“And rather than describing crowded streets and the mayhem of city life, my eyes were drawn to the rainbow colours on the ewes’ rear ends as the breeding season got into full swing! The landscape and its inhabitants got under my skin. How could I not write about them?”

Crummackdale (c) Julia Chapman

Crummackdale (c) Julia Chapman

Booktrail the novels of Julia Chapman set in Bruncliffe, Yorkshire

So where is Bruncliffe really?

Bruncliffe is fictional. A small piece of make-believe in the middle of a genuine map. To the south, following the Leeds-Carlisle train line, is Skipton. To the north, the village of Horton-in-Ribblesdale and the dramatic span of Ribblehead viaduct. And exactly where the town of Settle resides, that’s where I’ve located Bruncliffe.

Ribblehead-Viaduct (c) Julia Chapman

Ribblehead-Viaduct (c) Julia Chapman

Booktrail the novels of Julia Chapman set in Bruncliffe, Yorkshire

Another location and inspiration for Bruncliffe is this lovely setting:

Ingleborough (c) Julia Chapman

Ingleborough (c) Julia Chapman

Anywhere  in Yorkshire is lovely to wander and think of this series as the sheep, fields, and Yorkshire charm are everywhere. A fun game to play is ‘spot the resident of Bruncliffe’ as you wander around.

Enjoy the series on site and/or with a strong cup of Yorkshire Tea.

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Julia Chapman novels set in Bruncliffe, Yorkshire

Twitter:  @DalesWriter Facebook: /DalesDetective   Web: www.jstagg.com 

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