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London – ANNE BLANKMAN – YA thriller Queen

  • Submitted: 23rd November 2014

It’s pitch black and the cloak of darkness wraps around my shoulders as I hurry along the cobble stones, the empty echoes of my boots firing warning shots to the circling crows. I lower my head and try to find comfort in the thought that soon I will be safe. I clutch the parcel I have fastened with string in an attempt to keep its contents safe. For when I reach my destination, it will not be a welcome sight if the valuable consignment is crushed.

There it is, a light in the distance, a creaking sign announcing my approach. I can barely see anything now in front of me because of the fog, but carry on I must.

For now I have reached where I need to be – the darling little tea shop on the high street and as I open the door, I see Anne Blankman sitting there, her new book The Prisoner of Night and Fog sitting on the table, and I feel as if I have just walked out of a scene. Luckily the cakes I carry are safe. So, we tuck in (the lady behind the counter doesn’t mind as long as we give her a cupcake too) and the questions begin –

anne blackman Hi Anne! So lovely to meet you!

Thanks so much for inviting me today!   Personally I love learning about authors beyond just their books, so I’m glad you feel the same way!

Describe your book in three words.

Romantic historical thriller


Now for THE  booktrailer  question……What’s your favourite place?

Oooh, this is easy! York, England, hands down. During my third year at university in the States, I participated in an exchange program with St. John’s in York. I fell in love with the city–really, how can you not? The York Minster, the wide array of museums, restaurants, and shops, and the city’s friendly feel combined to make it one of the places dearest to my heart. This past summer when I flew out to speak at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, I visited York again, and it was every bit as wonderful as I had remembered.

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know.

I used to fence competitively. Yes, really! My weapons were foil and sabre. It wasn’t until my first competition, though, that I discovered most people who specialize in sabre are REALLY BIG GUYS. Needless to say, I got creamed, but I still adore the sport.

PRISONERFavourite guilty pleasure?

Do I really need to answer this one? Chocolate, of course!

Can you tell us any secrets about your debut novel?

Its working title was Night’s Edge.

What was the craziest moment in your publishing journey?

Seeing my cover for the first time. I got my US cover before the others, and it was finished so early that I wasn’t expecting it at all. My editor emailed it to me out of the blue, and I must have sat at my computer for five minutes, staring at it with happy tears in my eyes. Seeing an image that represents the book you’ve worked hard on for over two years is surreal. And there’s something humbling about knowing that other people have worked on your book, whether it’s editing, marketing, or designing it, just to name a few. I love that collaborative aspect of the publishing world.

Thanks so much for having me!

You’re welcome. Now the fog and dark clouds have cleared, getting home should be easier!

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Twitter: @AnneBlankman


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