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Best BookTrail of the Month

  • Submitted: 31st January 2024

Best BookTrail of the Month

Every month, there is always one book that stands out as offering some of the most amazing reading memories and literary travel experiences you can ever have. For the month of January 2024, oh the places we did go!


This book won for the sheer new journey it takes readers on. Never have I read a book quite like this where I learned SO much about what it must be like to not be able to hear. To have to communicate through sign language. This is not a novel just about location but about setting  – the world where you can’t easily communicate if you are deaf. Learn about the birth of sign language and the struggle of those who need it..


A Sign of Her Own set in the world of Sign Language - Sarah Marsh

Map of locations in the novel here

Review of A Sign of Her Own here

A novel which shines a spot light on how deaf people have been treated throughout history. Alexander Graham Bell. best known for inventing the telephone,  gave a voice to the many students he coached as part of his research into ‘Visible Speech’. What I found out about him in this novel is amazing.

Children who deaf, either since birth or otherwise, are cast as outsiders here. They are discouraged from using sign language to communicate. This story needed to be told.


Congratulations Sarah !


BookTrail Boarding Pass: A Sign of Her Own

Twitter:  @SarahCMarsh


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