Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
reading in nature


A collection of book reviews, literary travel journeys and best books set in posts

Literary journeys – Look here for books set in a whole range of locations and settings grouped together

BookTrail of the Month – the best book(trail) an author has taken us on

Literary Packages – what are the best books with a strong sense of setting or location for each month?

Welcome to the literary departure lounge !

The Corpse Flower set in Copenhagen Anne Mette Hancock

  • Submitted: 28th April 2022

Copenhagen's Corpse Flower Who knows what a corpise flower is? Is it a clever title like a play on words or is it an actual flower? Well, that made me…

Gothic story set in a Yorkshire Abbey

  • Submitted: 25th April 2022

Begars Abbey by V L Valentine A dark house filled with darker secrets... Begars Abbey is a crumbling pile, inhabited only by Lady Cooper. Built on the foundations of an old…

Happy World Book Night and Day

  • Submitted: 23rd April 2022

A day for celebrating reading It's a grand old day and night tonight. People around the world are celebrating World Book Night and Day! In Spain, it's the day of…

Vanda set in Marseille by Marion Brunet

  • Submitted: 21st April 2022

French Noir set in Marseille You would think a story in Marseille might contain some sunshine...Nope. This is  a dark family drama with some very tricky subjects but it's also…

The Green Eyed Girl set in New York – Julie Owen Moylan

  • Submitted: 18th April 2022

Green Eyed Girl of New York 1955: In an apartment on the Lower East Side, school teachers Dovie and Gillian live as lodgers. Dancing behind closed curtains, mixing cocktails for two,…

Featured Book

Scot and Bothered

2025: Books and a trail in a novel!!!

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