Happy World Book Day
Happy World Book Day Happy World Book Day to everyone! - We all know that World Book Day is every day, but today is a special day as UNESCO has…
A collection of book reviews, literary travel journeys and best books set in posts
Literary journeys – Look here for books set in a whole range of locations and settings grouped together
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Happy World Book Day Happy World Book Day to everyone! - We all know that World Book Day is every day, but today is a special day as UNESCO has…
Visit the littlest library in Middlemass Glorious. What a lovely idea for a novel. A woman takes a wrong turn and discovers a cute village in Devon. Finds a house…
BookTrail it to the royal court of Persia This novel vividly recreates the court of the Iranian Shah in the 1890s. We follow Jamīla, an Abyssinian slave and Abimelech, a fellow…
CASTAWAY TO A FIJI ISLAND Want to escape to an island? For a wonderful retreat in the Fiji archipelago? This book takes you there and right into the heart of…
Kayte Nunn brings the historical secrets of Silk House to life Some novels just ooze atmosphere and that's what this novel brought for me. Setting is key here as it's…