Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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A collection of book reviews, literary travel journeys and best books set in posts

Literary journeys – Look here for books set in a whole range of locations and settings grouped together

BookTrail of the Month – the best book(trail) an author has taken us on

Literary Packages – what are the best books with a strong sense of setting or location for each month?

Welcome to the literary departure lounge !

Books to look out for during lockdown

  • Submitted: 24th April 2020

Lookout for these reads during lockdown There are many fine books out in April and May where authors are compelled to stay in doors and not have an official launch.…

Happy World Book Night

  • Submitted: 23rd April 2020

Today is all about celebrating books and reading Happy World Book Night - Today is a day for celebrating reading and books. What day isn't? I hear you ask. Well,…

Books set in teashops -BookTrailLiterarySettings

  • Submitted: 21st April 2020

Drink in #BookTrailLiterarySettings this #NationalTeaDay Books set in teashops -BookTrailLiterarySettings - Today in the UK, it's National Tea Day apparently so what better time than to grab yourself a cuppa…

Mystery set in The Mist in Iceland – Ragnar Jónasson

  • Submitted: 20th April 2020

Hidden Iceland - The Mist by Ragnar Jónasson Mystery set in The Mist in Iceland - Ragnar Jónasson - An isolated farm house in the east of Iceland. The snowstorm…

To Lahore (and London) with Love – Hina Belitz

  • Submitted: 19th April 2020

Coming of Age novel set in Pakistan and London To Lahore (and London) with Love - Hina Belitz - If food be the flavour of family - read on. This…

Featured Book

The Art of a Lie

1749: A cat and mouse thriller in 18th century London

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