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A collection of book reviews, literary travel journeys and best books set in posts

Literary journeys – Look here for books set in a whole range of locations and settings grouped together

BookTrail of the Month – the best book(trail) an author has taken us on

Literary Packages – what are the best books with a strong sense of setting or location for each month?

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Books set in South America

  • Submitted: 24th March 2020

Travel with a bookish passport this Travel Tuesday This is the best time to travel to South America. An entire continent of books and new stories to discover. New writers…

Novel set in a summer in Provence – Lucy Coleman

  • Submitted: 23rd March 2020

A summer in Provence, France? What could be better than a Summer in Provence? Not much when you think about it. However, when you have to go alone as your…

Novel set in London -This Lovely City by Louise Hare

  • Submitted: 22nd March 2020

Bookreview of  This Lovely City This Lovely City where this book is set is London. This is not the London of the present day however but the London of the…

Rendez-Vous in Cannes with Jennifer Bohnet

  • Submitted: 20th March 2020

Novel set in the South of France - Cannes It's a pretty exciting thought to think you're headed to the Cannes Film Festival! In this book, Anna isn't that keen…

French Fiction – Une Evidence by Agnes Martin-lugand  

  • Submitted:

...French Fiction - Une Evidence A book only in French  but this is Paris week on The BookTrail so, I wanted to include a novel I'd read recently that made…

Featured Book

The Art of a Lie

1749: A cat and mouse thriller in 18th century London

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