Five books set Down Under
Five books set in New Zealand and Australia Sometimes you want to really disappear into a new country and setting when you read a book, and for many readers in…
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Five books set in New Zealand and Australia Sometimes you want to really disappear into a new country and setting when you read a book, and for many readers in…
A psychological, social-media thriller by Paul Burston Paul Burston -The Closer I Get - a novel for the social media and digital media age. One which may well make you…
A Singapore tale - How We Disappeared by Jing-Jing Lee Singapore, 1942. As Japanese troops sweep down Malaysia and into Singapore, a village is ransacked, leaving only two survivors and…
A novel of immigration, set from Aleppo across Europe to England Book set in Syria and England: The Beekeeper of Aleppo, Christy Lefteri - "In the midst of war, he…
Underground secrets of our hidden planet. Underland digs deep in travel writing. Underland - Robert McFarlane has done something very unique. He's written a travel book about the wonders of…