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A collection of book reviews, literary travel journeys and best books set in posts

Literary journeys – Look here for books set in a whole range of locations and settings grouped together

BookTrail of the Month – the best book(trail) an author has taken us on

Literary Packages – what are the best books with a strong sense of setting or location for each month?

Welcome to the literary departure lounge !

New Year Resolutions for Book lovers

  • Submitted: 31st December 2018

This is the time of year you often have to think about what you should change about yourself next year. Do you want to stop eating too much, do you…

Book set in Paris, Paris in the Dark by Robert Olen Butler

  • Submitted: 28th December 2018

Paris in the Dark, a wander around a city at war. Robert Olen Butler really puts the city of Paris on the map.  It is war time so the city…

Five books set in North East England – A Literary Tour

  • Submitted: 24th December 2018

The North East of England has a strong presence on the BookTrail Literary Map. There are so many good books set in and around Newcastle and Northumberland. Since it's nice…

Books set in Norway – The Boy at the Door, Alex Dahl

  • Submitted: 22nd December 2018

The Boy at the Door is a thriller set in Sandefjord, Norway This is a psychological thriller by Alex Dahl, an author who lives in Sandefjord where she sets her novel,…

Books by Orenda – Literary crime fiction from around the world

  • Submitted: 21st December 2018

Orenda always publishes unique books and this year has been no exception. Translated fiction is something they always excel at, and their literary fiction has been varied, insightful and gripping.…

Featured Book

Love, Sex & Frankenstein

1816: The dark summer that birthed a monster . . .

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