Amuse Bouche trail around France – Carolyn Boyd
Amuse Bouche in France What you can tell straight away from this book is how much Carolyn loves France and all the food in it. This is a love song…
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Amuse Bouche in France What you can tell straight away from this book is how much Carolyn loves France and all the food in it. This is a love song…
Books set in the world of science Science can be a hard topic to write about in fiction. How to make it interesting? Accessible to non-scientific people? How to make…
Best BookTrail of the Month -May 2024 Oh the sunny month of May brought some reading treats There was one that stole my heart as soon as I read it.…
The King's Witches - Kate Foster The King's Witches set in Scotland and Denmark Map of locations in The King's Witches BOARDING PASS INFORMATION Destination : Edinburgh, North Berwick,…
The Burial Plot - Elizabeth Macneal Historical fiction set in London - Imagine a cemetery like no other. There is a private cemetery in this novel and it's quite the…