Do you buy the same book in multiple formats?
Buying the same book again and again. Do you buy the same book in different editions? Whether that be in a different format, language or US/UK edition, there's something very…
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Buying the same book again and again. Do you buy the same book in different editions? Whether that be in a different format, language or US/UK edition, there's something very…
Haunting story set in Scotland Off to a Scottish island with a fisherman it would seem. Winter, 1900. A little boy washes up on the beach of a small fishing village…
Alma Negra Ibon Martin A Spanish thriller not long out in Spain but I have been hearing SUCH good things about this that I had to read it. I've never…
Map Monday There are some books that just scream out for a map and often have maps as part of their story. This is one of them as we travel…
Book (Trail) of the Month Where is good to travel in February via a book? There is one that stood out. The book? Set on a small Scottish Island and…