Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature


A collection of book reviews, literary travel journeys and best books set in posts

Literary journeys – Look here for books set in a whole range of locations and settings grouped together

BookTrail of the Month – the best book(trail) an author has taken us on

Literary Packages – what are the best books with a strong sense of setting or location for each month?

Welcome to the literary departure lounge !

Edinburgh Women’s Fiction Festival

  • Submitted: 6th September 2023

Edinburgh Women's Fiction Festival There's a NEW fiction festival in town. In Edinburgh to be precise, the city already at the centre of bookish goodness in the shape of bookshops,…

Cosy Reads for Autumn – Five Books to Fall into

  • Submitted: 5th September 2023

Five Books to Fall into this Autumn There is nothing nicer when the weather turn colder and darker, than to have some literary goodies all saved up to devour. Reading…

Life and Otter Miracles set in Devon – Hazel Prior

  • Submitted: 4th September 2023

Life and Otter Miracles set in Devon - Hazel Prior From Penguins to Otters, could I LOVE Hazel Prior's books more? If you are an animal lover and have a…

Best BookTrail of the Month – August 2023

  • Submitted: 1st September 2023

Best BookTrail of the Month – August 2023 The Best Book of August was an easy one. Well, I say easy - there were so many books I loved that…

Best BookTrails of September 2023

  • Submitted: 31st August 2023

Best BookTrails of September 2023 September is the start of Autumn, that 'back to school' reading time where the nights get darker and the hot chocolate comes out. These are…

Featured Book

Scot and Bothered

2025: Books and a trail in a novel!!!

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