Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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A collection of book reviews, literary travel journeys and best books set in posts

Literary journeys – Look here for books set in a whole range of locations and settings grouped together

BookTrail of the Month – the best book(trail) an author has taken us on

Literary Packages – what are the best books with a strong sense of setting or location for each month?

Welcome to the literary departure lounge !

Spy thriller set in LONDON and NORFOLK

  • Submitted: 24th May 2023

The Man in the Corduroy Suit This is a spy thriller with a difference. I don't normally like spy thrillers and haven't read that many but this intrigued me. Firstly…

The worldwide story of the Seven Sisters and Pa Salt

  • Submitted: 23rd May 2023

The stunning finale to a wonderful series This has to be one of the most special series of novels ever written. I was lucky enough to meet Lucinda in London…

The Secret Shore set in Cornwall – Liz Fenwick

  • Submitted: 22nd May 2023

The Secret Shore - map-making in wartime. A novel about maps goes straight to the top of my TBR pile. The main character is a mapmaker during WW1  - or…

Five Books with Beaches on the Cover

  • Submitted: 19th May 2023

Books with beaches on the cover Summer is almost here and I don't know about you but I am really looking forward to heading to the beach for some sunshine…

The Fascination set in London with Essie Fox

  • Submitted: 15th May 2023

Fascination - a world of fairground 'freaks' Victorian England. A world of rural fairgrounds and glamorous London theatres. A world of dark secrets and deadly obsessions… What an amazing setting…

Featured Book

Scot and Bothered

2025: Books and a trail in a novel!!!

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