Best BookTrail of the Month – February 2023
Best BookTrail of the Month - February 2023 It's that time of the month again - looking over the last month and picking up a favourite book where all the…
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Best BookTrail of the Month - February 2023 It's that time of the month again - looking over the last month and picking up a favourite book where all the…
London's Seance Society Lenna Wickes has come to Paris to find answers about her sister’s death but she has to find answers amongst the mediums of Paris. She is there…
The Book of Eve set in Florence - Meg Clothier A story about a secret book. One that a nun is given by a dying woman in her final moments.…
Freeze set in the Arctic - Kate Simants Frozen Out will be the TV sensation of the year. In the harshest Arctic conditions, eight contestants will push their bodies and…
Women with attitude The next in the BookTrailLiterarySettings series is one that I have meant to write for a while. There have been some fascating books about women that really…