Books where photographs are key to the plot
Books where photographs are key. There are a few books, especially crime fiction, where photographs are key to the plot. Photos of crime scenes etc and of missing people. But…
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Books where photographs are key. There are a few books, especially crime fiction, where photographs are key to the plot. Photos of crime scenes etc and of missing people. But…
The Whispering Muse Another Laura Purcell novel. Set in a theatre. Told in several acts - each one based on a different play and a different muse. A different curse....…
A Newcastle city Christmas book guide I love the build up to Christmas with all the books sparkling in the shops, the Christmas trees with books on them and the…
Books to read during panto season It's Panto season. Oh not it isn't...... For anyone who can't or doesn't go to a theatre to take part in a pantomime, what…
Circus Train The Circus in this novel is one set on a train. A train that crosses Europe, stopping off in onen city after another to entertain people. It's got…