Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
reading in nature


A collection of book reviews, literary travel journeys and best books set in posts

Literary journeys – Look here for books set in a whole range of locations and settings grouped together

BookTrail of the Month – the best book(trail) an author has taken us on

Literary Packages – what are the best books with a strong sense of setting or location for each month?

Welcome to the literary departure lounge !

Lady Joker set in Japan by Kaoru Takamura

  • Submitted: 25th August 2022

Lady Joker set in Japan by Kaoru Takamura Lady Joker Vol 1 set in JAPAN by Kaoru Takamura, translated by Allison Markin Powell and Marie Iide, John Murray Press   …

The Stoning set in Australia – Peter Papathanasiou

  • Submitted: 23rd August 2022

The Stoning - Outback Noir Getting cold where you are?  Let's head to Australia to the setting of The Stoning.  A terrible crime takes place in a small town in…

The Skeleton Key set in London – Erin Kelly

  • Submitted: 22nd August 2022

Skeleton Keys and Literary treasure hunts Fifty years ago, her father wrote The Golden Bones. Part picture book, part treasure hunt, Sir Frank Churcher created a fairy story about Elinore, a murdered…

The Spirit Engineer set in Belfast – A J West

  • Submitted: 20th August 2022

Gothic tale of supernatural goings on Based on the true story of Professor William Jackson Crawford and famed medium Kathleen Goligher. This is a story of spiritualism, séances anda  haunted, twisted…

Book set on Rathlin Island with Diane Jeffrey

  • Submitted: 18th August 2022

Rathlin Island and Causeway Cottage A couple move to a lovely island cottage. They've escaped London, they are closer to family. However, they were not prepared for what the cottage…

Featured Book

Scot and Bothered

2025: Books and a trail in a novel!!!

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