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Bloggers Brunch – Liz Loves Books

  • Submitted: 24th April 2016

Today will go down in history as the day Liz from Liz loves books came to Booktrail Towers and ate brunch. She’s on her way. Says I’ll hear her before I see her and she’s not wrong as suddenly the air is filled with the frantic ting a ling of a bicycle, the melody from one of the many books she’s reviewed (the Miraculous fall of the Vespas) and a yoohooo! She jumps off and hands me a rather nice basket of muffins and cookies. Ah bless you Liz! That’s just the kind of person she is. We’re going to talk so much apparently that we’ll be using up all our book energy so these are fuel on top of the brunch. Liz thinks of everything she does.

I pop the kettle on and we dive straight in. Well there are books to be discussed..

Liz and her hero

Liz and her hero

Can you tell us about you and your blog?

I’m Liz who loves books (hence Liz Loves Books) and the blog is my little place to share the book love with others. Its a recommendation site for all the great books I read and I share it on occasion with lots of other book lovers. LOVE THE BOOKS. Its the name of the game.

What genre do you prefer?

To paraphrase Matt Haig (of whom I’m a huge fan, not only of his incredible writing but the man himself who is such an inspiration) my favourite genre is “book”. I read anything that is good from Crime to Young Adult, Fantasy to Literary – the story is the thing. There is nothing in the world like the feeling you get from a stonking good read where you emerge slightly breathless.

How often do you review?

There is a new review or feature most days on the blog. I read extensively so always on catch up for the actual review writing, I like having authors on the blog doing interviews or all sorts of weird and wonderful things.I occasionally write articles – recently a readers journey through the world of Charlie Parker which was hosted on various blogs (thank you guys!) Basically if its about the books and encouraging people to read them I’m happy. So if anyone, reviewer or author, would like to come along and sing out the book love in whatever form my door is always open.

What has been your stand out book so far this year?

IMPOSSIBLE to choose a standout this year. 2016 so far has been simply incredible. But as you are asking I have to give a shout out to a few that are in the running for my No 1 of the year. The Maker of Swans Paraic O’Donnell, Morning Star Pierce Brown, Black Night Falling Rod Reynolds,  Girls on Fire by Robin Wasserman and MOST recently Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuval. And thats just the start frankly. God knows how I’ll pick. And it’s only April.

When did you start blogging and why?

I started blogging with encouragement from others and for various reasons – so glad I did. I can’t think of a better thing in life to do than to encourage reading as a thing – hopefully I’ll be able to keep doing it for many years to come.

Just some of Liz's TBR pile

Just some of Liz’s TBR pile

What is your life like now and how much time do you spend on blogging, goodreads etc?

Oh gosh it takes over my life! I read daily, visit all the book sites daily, I chat with book loving people daily and I work for Tesco, shift work helps me fit everything in and pays the bills. I love both my book life, my Tesco life AND bringing up my two small boys. Both of whom are already insane bookworms.

Do you have a favourite reading spot?

I have a big round swivel chair where I curl up to read with the children. Otherwise under my duvet is my favourite reading spot!

Which booktrail would you like to go on and why?

Oh I want to go to Ragnar’s Iceland. Its on the bucket list! It looks beautiful and haunting.

What do you think bloggers add to the reading community?

Bloggers can give a voice to authors and a shout out to the books. Without the authors and the books we would not be book bloggers so they are the ones who shine. Our importance as bloggers is both huge and minimal. I think bloggers right now have an incredible opportunity to spread the word on many novels and on many levels. For me if I get one person to pick up a book they might have ignored otherwise I am a happy bunny. Keeping the focus on the books and the book love is the most important thing for me. As a single blogger I am a small cog in a VERY large wheel and am happy to be exactly that.

More of Liz's TBR pile

More of Liz’s TBR pile

Please describe your reading life in Five books

Oh that’s an impossible one. The day I picked up a Stephen King book (way back in my teens) was the moment this insane reading ride began in force. At various times books have helped me and helped define me. Matt Haig’s “The Humans” literally saved my life and I will never ever forget that book for one moment. I got fed up with Crime fiction at one point and Neil White’s Fallen Idols got me back into that (and imagine what I would have missed if that hadn’t happened!) John Connolly made me start reading again at a time that I’d given it up altogether – yes it happened for various reasons. I credit that man with a lot of my book love! Last Year Rod Reynolds The Dark Inside reminded me that authors can still surprise me. And I HAVE to mention Mike Carey and Sarah Pinborough, both of whom write such gorgeous, incredible and innovative tales that really deserve a special shout out. In reality every book I read gives me something and I’ll forever be grateful for that.

If you could visit any fictional setting in a book where would it be and why?

Oh I’d LOVE to go to the Invisible Library  and inhabit that world! (Genevieve Cogman – read them love them!)

Which literary character are you most like?

I have no clue! Possibly Bridget Jones – not because of her love life but because of her tendency to do ridiculously silly things at the worst time possible!

Haha whilst me and Bridget have another cake we think it’s time to discuss even more books – the books not even out yet as that’s the pleasure of being book bloggers, we can see books that readers are going to love and Liz has some gems to chat with us. We are also going to have a book swap session. I open up the booktrail bookcase room and Liz’s eyes light up. Minutes later we are both strapping books to her bycicle by any means possible. String, belts, in baskets and tote bags tied around her head. She’s going to have a headache when she gets home. Plus a flat tyre and a buckled bike I say. ‘Totally worth it” she laughs. “Totally worth it”

Thanks so much Liz for stopping by! See you on your bookish travels!   Don’t forget to stop by: Lizlovesbooks.com

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