Book (Trail) Your Literary Holiday Here!
BookTrail your way around the world via literary package holidays
Pack your literary bags. There are books landing in bookshops this month that will transport you to warmer climes and colder climes according to your travel preferences. All you need is to purchase your holiday of a lifetime (via your local indie bookstore if you can) and then go on the holiday you will never forget.
What you get for the price of a book:
Guaranteed sunshine (depending on destination)
No PCR tests or swabs of any kind
Forget queues at airports ( but hanging around in bookshops is a must)
Packing restrictions – what packing restrictions? (although stocking up on more than your body weight in snacks is perhaps not wise)
No time differences to worry about although with some of the literary trips on offer this month, there’s a risk of loosing yourself in a book and therefore loosing time……but eh, the real world can wait for a while, can’t it!?
What is on offer this month? Jaunts in June
On the airport carousel this month…..

Quick jaunt to Rome – Flights out June 3rd
Two Women in Rome by Elizabeth Buchan
Elisabeth Buchan takes you and Two Women on a visit to Rome this month. That’s nice of her! Lottie is there to work as she has a new job as a archivist. She soon discovers a painting left behind by a woman called Nina who died in 1978. As Lottie finds out more about the painting and the woman behind it, a tragic love story starts to unfold and history comes to life….
Rome is really placed on the literary map here. Travelling from the present day to post-war Italy, this is a treat for the travelling senses. These are two women you will never forget. Two people who you meet on this literary holiday and who you will remember for a long time to come.
North Berwick /Edinburgh – Flights take off June 9th
The Secrets of Thistle Cottage by Kerry Barrett
Who doesn’t love a bit of time travel? 1661 in North Berwick and then presnt day in Edinburgh. Whispers of witchcraft and more. A woman in the prsent day flees to a cottage for rest and relaxation only to discover stories of witchcraft about those who lived in the cottage before her. Just what has she escaped from and got herself trapped in?
Scandal, storms and dark nights abound in this very atmospheric mystery from Kerry Barrett. Your holiday cottage in real life will never be as interesting as this one!
Skalar, ICELAND – First flights take off on June 10th
The Girl Who Died – Ragnar Jonasson
Let’s start with the coldest destination and then work our way to the sun, ok? This one – Skalar – is perhaps the coldest place on earth and we’re not just talking about the weather. Author Ragnar has that skill of making the smallest, cutest village look positively deadly and chilling.
Skalar seems nice until a girl received a job offer as a teacher, turns up, only to find things are not what they appear…..and she’s stuck in the middle of nowhere in the worst winter imaginable…
Meet the villagers and find out what they are like and why they treat the outsider as a very unwelcome addition to their closed community. There’s something very strange and eerie going on. The perfect place to visit from the safety of your own house. You can close the book to escape Skalar but that poor girl can’t……
Cornwall and Devon – First flights out June 10th
The River Between Us – Liz Fenwick
Oh joy of joys! You are in for a treat with this luxurious and relaxing literary holiday. Sail along the banks of the Tamar as you meet Theo who buys a tumbledown cottage on the banks of the river, finds letter hidden in its walls nd discovers a story that goes back years and years…
Theo brings the cottage and the story of the cottage to life and it’s a wonderful journey to go on with her. This really is a stunning landscape of the UK and Liz brings it to life and makes it a major character. The story enhances the river’s magic and mysticism and vice versa. Really recommend this one. If you’ve just returned from Skalar from the last package holiday recommended above, this is a more relaxing place to hang out.
Croatia – First flights out on June 10th
The Getaway by Isabelle Broom
Perfect title for an escapist read and the perfect author to take you away! Isabelle invites you to Hvar in Croatia. Most people travel to Croatia for its endless sunshine, pebbly beaches and crystal clear sea but Kate in the novel goes there to disappear. Her life is in freefall so she escapes to Croatia. However there is someone else there running from their problems and hiding a few secrets. What happens when they both meet? Can you really ever escape from yourself?
Whatever happens in Hvar, it’s a stunning location to visit in this novel. You really get the feeling you are there. What an immersive experience. Don’t be surprised if you have a suntan when you have finished reading. The two characters are very interesting to get to know and it’s a treat to see their stories unravel and to be at the centre of it.
Where will YOU travel this month?