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1900s: Anne and Gilbert now have six children!
1900s: Anne and Gilbert now have six children!
It’s been fifteen years since Anne Shirley married Gilbert Blythe, and they are still blissfully happy, delighting in their six children: Jem, Walter, Nan, Di, Shirley, and Rilla.
After a holiday in Europe, Anne returns to find that a new minister has arrived in Glen St. Mary. John Meredith is a widower with four young children: Jerry, Faith, Una, and Carl. The children have not been properly brought up since the death of their mother, with only their absent-minded father and their old and partially deaf Aunt Martha to take care of them. Anne instantly takes them under her wing, and they become best friends with her children.
The group goes on many adventures together, but always has the best time in their favorite spot: Rainbow Valley.
It was a clear, apple-green evening in May, and Four Winds Harbour was mirroring back the clouds of the golden West between its softly dark shores. The sea moaned eerily on the sand-bar, sorrowful even in spring, but a sly, jovial wind came piping down the red harbor road along which Miss Cornelia’s comfortable matronly figure was making its way towards the village of Glen St Mary.
Everything is remarkably close by and the spirit of Anne is embedded in the island itself from the soil to the lake of Shining waters and the cherry blossom trees. Sadly the horse and carts have been replaced by cars but they do still exist for the tourists.
The Lucy Maud Montgomery home is one quarter mile East of Green Gables and is decorated to look like the house as it would have been like in Anne’s day, with her room and the white picket fence exactly as she left it.
Lucy Maud Montgomery birthplace. No visit to the island would be complete without visiting the house of the lady who brought Anne into the world.
Author/Guide: L.M. Montgomery Destination: Prince Edward Island, Avonlea (fictional) Departure Time: Early 1900s
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