Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Cambridge, London, Berlin, Madrid



Why a Booktrail?

1936: Europe is in turmoil.  The Nazis have marched into the Rhineland.  In Russia, Stalin has unleashed his Great Terror.  Spain has erupted in civil war.

  • ISBN: 978-1785762611
  • Genre: legal/political, Spy story

What you need to know before your trail

Berlin –  a young Englishwoman evades the Gestapo to deliver vital papers to a Jewish scientist. Within weeks, she is found dead in her Cambridge bedroom, a silver syringe clutched in her fingers.

London – Three senior members of the British establishment light the touch paper on a conspiracy that will threaten the very heart of government. Even the ancient colleges of Cambridge are not immune to political division. Dons and students must choose a side: right or left, where do you stand?

Thomas Wilde  might just be  maverick history professor but he soon finds himself dragged into a world of espionage which, until now, he has only read about in books. A murder of a high status murder makes him believe that they could be linked to the death of the girl with the silver syringe. More worryingly still, it could even be linked to scandal surrounding King Edward VIII and his mistress Wallis Simpson…

Travel Guide

A journey across Cambridge and London  – with the rumblings of war in Germany, Russia and Spain


The hotbed of spies. The colleges here were renowned for being a recruitment ground for spies


The centre of the war efforts and political intrigue given the seat of government and Whitehall is located here. The two spy agencies are of course here as well. London at the time would have been a lot darker, smut coloured and very dark in every sense of the word.

Germany – Berlin

From the Berlin  Olympia stadium where two young British women go to Berlin for the Olympic Games on a holiday and to also undertake  a mission to the corridors of Nazi power.

Spain – Madrid

There are some interesting developments in Spain too – “On September 14th, a powerful company of militiamen walked into the central bank in Madrid, accompanied by dozens of finance minister officials who removed the crates of gold coins and ingots and transferred them to the city’s Atocha station”


“Everyone knew about Russia but no one did anything”

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Corpus

Author/Guide: Rory Clements  Destination: Cambridge, London, Berlin, Madrid  Departure Time: 1936

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