Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: The arctic, Sakhalin, Hong Kong

88˚ North

88˚ North

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: The deadliest kind of assassin is one who is already dying…

  • Genre: Hitman/Gangster, Spy story, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

As the radiation poisoning that Nadia Laksheva was exposed to in Chernobyl takes hold of her body, she knows she has mere weeks to live. But Salamander, the terrorist who murdered her father and sister has a deadly new plan to ‘make the sky bleed’. Nadia is determined to stop him again, even if it is the last thing she ever does.

The only clue she has are the coordinates 88˚ North, a ridge in the Arctic right above one of the largest oil fields in the world, three thousand metres below the ice. If Salamander takes hold of the oil field, he could change the climate of the whole planet for generations to come…

Travel Guide

Hong Kong

“There were a number of religions in China, but in Hong Kong, the undisputed  one was work.” This is the place where they go looking for blue fan whose current location seems to be “an underground maze of tunnels and chambers” where the homeless of Hong Kong live.

Hong Kong Zoological And Botanical Gardens

A good place to talk without being overheard…if you’re a character in this book! The animals Nadia sees here are the”clawed animal in your colon” kind. She’s nervous walking around here but it is also 90 degrees in the August heat.

Tonnochy Rd

Tonnochy Road live up to its seedy night0time reputation. At one end were the hotels. including the one where Nadia and Jake were staying. But towards the middle it took a downturn. ” Girly bars and the feel of the meat market are what seems to characterize this road.”

The Peak Restuarant

Take the funicular like they do in the book to this famous restaurant. This is the highest point on Hong Kong island and the view from the top Nadia says makes you think that the skyscrapers to the side look as if they are leaning.

Russia –  Sakhalin Oblast

Jake is headed here. It’s one of the oilfields far north where workers were paid a lot of money for two reasons: the first was that it was damned cold and inhospitable. The second was that the operation, though run by one of the Big Five oil companies, was riddled with Russian mafia”

88 degrees north refers to the 88th parallel which is a circle with everything inside having an average temp of around -minus  10 degrees.”He scanned the horizon, and between him, and them an endless plain of white, occasional swirls of powder snow whipped up by the chill wind”

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

Well that was a fast paced packed action adventure! Ha how many adjectives can I get into one sentence? Well this book deserves them all and I’m pleased there’s more in the series I can now go and read!. It’s billed as a spy thriller and whilst this is true, I think it ‘s a lot more to be honest. The action is fast paced and violent in parts but it would make a great action movie that’s for sure! From Hong Kong to the arctic and a few places in between – there are gangs, deals, Russian mafia, oil fields, dodgy deals and a whole lot more.

There’s a lot to enjoy here and very realistic in parts so that you might need to wear a fur blanket around you when reading the cold parts!

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  88˚ North

Destination: The arctic, Hong Kong, Sakhalin  Author/Guide: J F Kirwan  Departure Time: 2000s

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