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Book Trails

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  • Location: Arctic, Nunavut, Ellesmere Island, Greenland

White Heat – Edie Kiglatuk 1

2000s: A murder mystery set in the remote glacial landscape of the Northern Arctic Circle where the harshness of the environment makes for some chilling…

  • Location: Christchurch

Blood Men

2000s – Christchurch under the pen of Paul Cleave is not a nice place to be…it’s a city of fallen angels and murder.

  • Location: Crete, Athens, Greece

The House of Dust and Dreams

WW2: Wonderful descriptions of Crete that only someone with a passion for Crete could write. But the clouds of war are looming…

  • Location: Lichfield, New York City

The Captain’s Daughter

1912: A woman loses her family on the Titanic but then is given a second chance at hope. If she takes it the consequences of…

  • Location: Zimbabwe

Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters: An African Tale

When a King wants a wife, he heads out amongst his subjects to find one..but in disguise

Featured Book

Cross Stitch

A debut novel of female friendship and coming-of-age

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