2000s: A mystery set against an exotic and colourful setting. There is a real dark side to this novel however and there are many references to…
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2000s: A mystery set against an exotic and colourful setting. There is a real dark side to this novel however and there are many references to…
The Future: A book at a magical crossroads where THE PASSAGE meets PHILIP PULLMAN and TWILIGHT meets PAN’S LABYRINTH. Set in the labyrinth streets of…
1969 – This man is an experienced traveller – having crossed Cuba by train (Slow Train to Guatanamo) this is the account of his adventures…
2000s: An epic tale of temptation and compulsion all the way from London to South Africa
2000s, WW2: Welcome to Winterfold, a fictional town in England but one you can visit with this tale of a secret hidden in the past…..