Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature

Book Trails

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  • Location: Riyadh

Girls of Riyadh

2000s –  A book apparently banned in the strict Saudi Kingdom but which was a  success amongst the women there

  • Location: London

From Notting Hill with Love… Actually

2000s: From Notting Hill – a book that mixes the best of the film with the best of the author’s imagination and brings Notting Hill…

  • Location: Derbyshire, Lipton (fictional)

Welcome to Rosie Hopkins Sweetshop of Dreams

2000s: If ever there was a book dedicated to the childhood joy of enjoying sweets then this is it. A small village in Derbyshire has…

  • Location: Buenos Aires, Havana, Seville

Living La Vida Loca

2000s: Dance as well as read your way around the most passionate and sexy countries ever – Argentina, Cuba and Spain!

  • Location: Northumberland, Low Newton

The First Time I Saw Your Face

2000s: Somewhere in remote Northumberland, hidden secrets don’t stay that way for long.

Featured Book

The Restaurant of Lost Recipes

2024:  It’s a doorway to the past through the miracle of delicious food.

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