Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
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Book Trails

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  • Location: Cornwall, Puglia

Sea of Lost Love

1958 – A Cornish holiday and a secret hidden amongst the orange groves of Italy…

  • Location: Naples

The Italian Affair

Destination: Naples   Departure Time: 2000s Escape your emotions and find some new ones in Naples

  • Location: Florence, Brighton

Vivien’s Heavenly Ice Cream Shop

2000s – The title just draws you in as do those tantalising ice creams on the cover! You will be broadening your ice cream horizons…

  • Location: Sicily (fictional Vigata) Porto Empedocle

The Dance Of The Seagull (Montalbano 15)

2000s: If you saw a seagull fall from the sky, perform a strange dance, before lying down to die, you’d be shocked wouldn’t you?

  • Location: Venice

Wilful Behaviour ( Brunetti 11)

1990s – In Venice, can there be justice for crimes of the past?

Featured Book

The Restaurant of Lost Recipes

2024:  It’s a doorway to the past through the miracle of delicious food.

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