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Book Trails

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  • Location: France

The Birthday Party

2022: Buried deep in rural France, little remains of the isolated hamlet….

  • Location: Brittany, London

A Secret History of Witches

1821, WW2: “If they discover what we are – they will try to kill us”

  • Location: Paris, Cambridge, Dubai

The Final Act of Juliette Willoughby

1938, 1991, 2024: A story of love and madness, of obsession and revenge.

  • Location: Paris, Mont St Michel


1793. Eleanor, once a lowly English maid, is now a member of the League of the Scarlet Pimpernel: renowned for their daring deeds.

  • Location: Paris

The Paris Widow

2000s: A dream holiday, a shocking accusation….

Featured Book

The Restaurant of Lost Recipes

2024:  It’s a doorway to the past through the miracle of delicious food.

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