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Book Trails

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  • Location: Quebec

Déjà Dead (Temperance Brennan 1)

2000s: The streets and districts of Montreal come alive in this book but are grim and deadly…

  • Location: Stoke on Trent

Taunting the Dead (DS Allie Shenton 1)

2011: Nine out of ten murders are apparently committed by someone the victim knows. How far would you go to protect the ones you love?…

  • Location: Tervuren, Brussels, Belgium

Silent Saturday

A YA novel that really makes Brussels and Tervuren seem really dark and dangerous. Evocative of all the dark and cobbled streets!

  • Location: Jerusalem

Murder in Jerusalem – (Michael Ohayon 6)

20/21 C – A Jewish murder mystery with an insight in to the history and society of Israel and its peoples.

  • Location: Amsterdam

The Miniaturist

1686 – What an amazing premise for a book! A miniaturist!! If you have ever seen an antique dolls house in a museum like Petronella’s…

Featured Book

The Restaurant of Lost Recipes

2024:  It’s a doorway to the past through the miracle of delicious food.

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